You are on - Members Contact Details


To protect members' personal information, access to their contact details is restricted to Coventry RC members only. To verify membership, registration is required*.

Once registration is approved:-

First you need to log in.
Then, under the MEMBERSHIP LIST section:-

  • On your first visit to the members list you will be asked to agree the terms of use.
  • For subsequent visits, a reminder will appear and you just click the "View List" button.

The above will give you access to the members contact details:-

  • The contact list can be sorted using the A-Z button
  • The sort is set to first name
  • To sort by surname click the "Second Name" button

Sorry if logging in and agreeing terms sounds a little official but the club has a legal duty to protect members personal information.

* Registration and Log In is achieved via the top right hand box on the HOME PAGE. Registration also give access to loading pictures to the GALLERY.