Haggar Bash Sunday 12th May Start 0900![]() Haggar Bash Sunday 12th June Start 0900T ... more ![]() A MESSAGE FROM JANICE SHEPHERD Janice would like to thankeveryone who came to give support at Peter's funeral, it was so very much appreciated and for all the kind donations to the British Heart Foundation which are still to be counted, but will let you know. Thanks again everyone. Janice Posted 5th January 2020 BILL DODD It is with a deep sadness, that I report the passing of Bill Dodd, aged 95. Bill Dodd joined the Coventry Road Club more than 40 years ago and following the demise of the Coventry Godiva CC. Bill raced at all distances, road and track. He had ridden the Duo Normand team time trial in France on a number of occasions. Using his considerable experience in guiding his son Chris towards a successful amateur and professional cycling career. Always willing to freely help anyone seeking guidance or assistance. For a number of years, Bill was a coach at the cyclo-cross coaching/ training sessions held at the Butts Stadium. A highly skilled engineer and water colour painter, whilst using his considerable range of skills and knowledge in the restoration of numerous bikes at the Coventry Transport Museum. A friend to all that had the good fortune to know him. Lewis Hall. Bill's funeral will take place on Thursday 7 February, 11.15am, Canley Crematorium. Posted 28 Jan 2019 CLUB KIT - LAST ORDER DATE FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY The last kit order date for Christmas delivery is Thursday 15th November. Please place your orders on the kit website and they will then be desptched directly to your home address. If you have and difficulties please contact club.kit@coventryroadclub.org.uk for assistance. Posted 5 Nov 2018 MAXSTOKE HILL CLIMB - SUNDAY 7th OCTOBER 11.00AM It's that time again! Join us for our second hill climb of the season. DON JONES It is wth regret that we are informing members of the passing of Don Jones. Don was a member of the club for many years and very active, particularly in time trials, until around the early 2000's. Our condolences to Don's family. Updated 15th January 2018 BOXING DAY CYCLO CROSS The 2017 event is again being organised by the Ride team in the name of Coventry Road Club but we do need CRC helpers to make the 64rd year of this event a success. If you can help please contact racing.sec@coventryroadclub.org.uk. Posted 22nd Nov 2017 CHRISTMAS CLUB RUN LUNCH Christmas Lunch and Ride will be held on Sunday 3rd December 2017 at The Ansty Club. Meet between 1300 and 1330.
YOUR CLUB NEEDS YOU Our Treasurer and Secretary will be standing down in November (at the AGM). These positions are crucial for the successful running of our club. Any members who are interested in performing either of these roles, or any other roles on the committee, please contact a committee member or our Chairman Dave Miller. Posted 24th May 2017 AGM The 2017 AGM will be held at St Barbara's Church hall, 22 Rochester Rd, Earlsdon, CV5 6AG at 7:30pm 20th November. All members are encouraged to attend. Posted 31st October 2017 ANNUAL DINNER The dinner will be held at Hogan's Bistro, Sandpit Lane, CV7 8NG on Saturday 18th November. Please click here to select your menu choices and pay via the link below. Posted 28th October 2017 HSBC RIDE COVENTRY We plan to include the HSBC ride on 17th September as part the club runs. We will be taking the opportunity of including a family ride, so if you have kids or partners they are welcome to join us. Further info will be posted on Facebook and included in the News Brief. Posted 6th July 2017 TIME TRIAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We require voluteers to help put out the "Cycle Event" signs for our Thursday night TT's. To view the details of how to volunteer click here. Posted 4th March 2016 HSBC RIDE COVENTRY We plan to include the HSBC ride on 17th September as part the club runs. We will be taking the opportunity of including a family ride, so if you have kids or partners they are welcome to join us. Further info will be posted on Facebook and included in the News Brief. Posted 6th July 2017 TIME TRIAL VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We require voluteers to help put out the "Cycle Event" signs for our Thursday night TT's. To view the details of how to volunteer click here Posted 4th March 2016 CHARITY RIDE / SPORTIVE The 2016 Sportive was very successful with £2312 raised for our charity Zoe's place. We recieved a really nice letter from Zoe's place thanking the club and Deeley's for the support Updated 3rd March 2017
HANDING OVER THE CHEQUE FOR £2079 TO NSPCC COVENTRY Thanks to all the riders that participated in the event, you helped raised £2079 including every penny of the entry fees, additional donations made at the refreshments table, donations for signing the Jaguar car and the raffle for a signed Team Sky Jersey. An enjoyable ride and a great result for charity. Posted 3rd March 2016. After a great season Dave Miller takes victory in the over 70's West Midland Cyclo Cross League, well done Dave. Posted 4th March 2016 TIME TRIAL VOLUNTEER PROCESS For 2016 time trial season we have a new volunteering process in place, view the details here Posted 4th March 2016Posted 12th May 2015. MIKE VAUGHAN CYCLES - MYTON HOSPICE CHARITY RIDE A good turn out from Coventry Road Club riders for the Mike Vaughan charity ride on 13 March. Over £4000 raised, well done Mike. Posted 13 March 2016 JOINING COVENTRY ROAD CLUB On-line membership application and payment now available. Posted 12th May 2015. MEMBERSHIP EXCEEDS 200 In July club membership exceeded 200, maybe for the first time ever but certainly the first time in the clubs recent history Posted 18th July 2015. LATE NEWS Sharon Clifford has just established that she won the VTTA 2014 ladies four distance BBAR and has been awarded the Southcott Bowl, well done Sharon. Posted 3rd March 2015. 2014 AGM The AGM was held on Monday 24th November at St Barbaras church hall the minutes can be viewed here 2015 KIT PRICES Kit prices have been reduced by approx 7% for most items, the third year running that prices have been reduced. Prices are effective immediately and the web price list and stock prices at Ride have been updated. View price list ALEC WAGSTAFF Floral tributes are limited to the family only but Alec's family have selected two organisations should you wish to make donations, the Alzheimer's Society and the Coventry Road Club (reflecting Alec's long term passion for our club). The club will be making a donation to the Alzheimer's Society on behalf of members but any member wishing to make a personal donation can do so via the Funeral Directors Grimmett & Timms, 118 Albany Road, Earlsdon, Coventry CV5 6NG. Posted 16th July 2015. WE NOW HAVE A NATIONAL CHAMPION Dave Watson clocked 53:44 in the National 25 to win the 45-49 age category, congratulations Dave on a great ride. NEW WOMEN'S 12 HOUR RECORD Congratulations to Sharon Clifford on setting a new 12 hour record of 235.10 miles in the Newbury RC 12 on 15th Jun. Sharon commented on the respect that she has for Sheila's previous record of record of 221.93 that stood for 55 years. Posted 18 Jun 2014 NEW WOMENS 25 RECORD Congratulations to Libby McLaren on her great performance at the South Pennine RC 25 on 24th May, a new womens record of 58:29. That's over 2 minutes faster than her time in the same event last year. Posted 27 May 2014 NEW FAQ MENU BUTTON If you are unsure of any aspect of our website/forum, look at the FAQ [Frequent Asked Questions] section. If the solution is not found there, contact details are given for you to ask your question. Posted 16 Apr 2014 TIME TRIAL SERIES TABLES We have a number of TT series and we will now be showing the cumulative results tables as the season progresses the tables can be accessed via the Series Results Tables menu item under the RACING section. Thanks to Dafydd Williams for taking over the update of the tables. Updated 6 Aug 2014 COVENTRY RC LVRC ROAD RACE RESULTS The Circuit of Princethorpe road race was held on Sunday 25th May and the organisors Phil Evans and John Huges would like the thanks riders and helpers for making the event a success. COVENTRY RC TO ORGANISE MALLORY PARK EVENTS Our club is organising the Mallory Park circuit events on 10th and 17th June. Helpers are required, please contact Jim Woodward mr.jameswoodward@tiscali.co.uk or 07930 409911. There are events ranging from Under 8's to 2nd & 3rd Cat and we need a minimum of 4 helpers, starting from 5:45 pm until 8:30/9 pm. Updated 8 May 2014 NEW FAQ MENU BUTTON If you are unsure of any aspect of our website/forum, look at the FAQ [Frequent Asked Questions] section. If the solution is not found there, contact details are given for you to ask your question. Posted 16 Apr 2014 TIME TRIAL SERIES TABLES We have a number of TT series and we will now be showing the cumulative results tables as the season progresses the tables can be accessed via the Series Results Tables menu item under the RACING section. Posted 16 Apr 2014 PROBLEMS LOADING IMAGES TO THE GALLERY? When loading pictures to the website gallery some members have experienced problems. We have now established that the loading of images of over 2 MB gets timed out by the server resulting in an error message. If you expoerience this just re-size the image to 2 MB or less and it will load without problem. BOXING DAY CROSS 2103 - 60th YEAR A race report and pictures are available on the West Midlands League Facebook page, click here for details CHRISTMAS LUNCH - 15th December 2013 at Middleton Hall cafe CLUB PRESENTATION DINNER - Saturday 23rd November 2013, Hogan's Bistro, John Reay Golf Centre, tickets £20 cheques to John Eburne please. AGM - Monday 25th November - St. Barbaras Hall, Earlsdon, start 7:30pm prompt. If you are on email you will by now have received the agenda, hard copies are in the post to non-email members. CHRISTMAS LUNCH - 15th December at Middleton Hall cafe, details from Alan Jones. NEW LADIES 50 RECORD - Libby McLaren set a new club lady's 50 record in the Manchester Wheelers 50 on 28th September recording 2:06:54. NEW LADIES 10 RECORD - 25 August - Libby McLaren has done it again, at 10 miles this time 22.36 in the Team Swift event on the V718, a great ride Libby. NEW LADIES 25 RECORD - Libby McLaren is the first Coventry RC woman to go "under the hour" setting a new club competition record of 59:39 in Derby Mercury 25 on the Etwall course. This beats Libby's previous record set in May by 55 seconds. Posted 12th August 2013 ROAD BIKE '10' LEAGUE – One event remaining and the lead has changed again, Joe Atkins has now completed 5 events and comes straight in as the league leader with an average time of 23:45, Paul Moss is hot on his heels in second slot at 23:48 and the gap between Paul and Dafydd Williams is now 43 seconds. Harry Singh is now leading the Best Improver competition with a brilliant 3:35 improvement. We still have a further 3 riders able to complete the 5 qualifying rides at next Thursdays last '10' of the season. Whoever wins the league it's going to be close. Updated 13 August 2013 NEW MEN'S 50 RECORD - Dave Watson set a new club competition record on 3rd August, riding the BDCA 50 on the A50/6 at Etwall he clocked 1:45:15 beating the 31 year old record by 5 min. 15 secs. Great ride Dave. Posted 6 August 2013 ROAD BIKE '10' LEAGUE - With just two events to go, of the four rider that have now completed five or more events, Paul Moss is still leading and the gap to Dafydd Wiliams remains at 24 seconds. We now have seven further riders still able to qualify with Joe Atkins and Hinckley CRC's Karl Weatherall having faster averages than Paul but requiring one and two more times respectively to qualify. Dafydd still leads the best improver category but Steve Dick is now just 5 seconds away, however, Harry Singh and Corinna O'Connor have bested Dafydd's improvement but both need one more result to qualify. “It ain't all over 'til it's over” as the saying goes. Posted 2 August 2013 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY - The following are some dates for your diary, more information will be supplied nearer the dates:- Club Open '10' - Saturday 5th October, HQ Frankton Village Hall. If you are not riding please keep the date free for marshalling etc. Club Presentation Dinner - Saturday 23rd November, Hogan's Bistro, John Reay Golf Centre. AGM - Monday 25th November - St. Barbaras Hall, Earlsdon. Posted 4th July 2013 WELCOME TO THE NEW WEBSITE - If you experience any teething problems with this website please inform me don0white@btinternet.com and I will get them rectified. We are also developing further content for future inclusion. Posted 6th June 2013 NEW LADIES 25 RECORD - Libby McLaren set a new Coventry RC ladies 25 competition record of 1:00:34 in the South Pennine 25 on 11th May, beating Sharon Clifford's 25 year old record by over a minute. Well done Libby! Posted 12th May 2013 |